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Fresh Air's Professional recommendations for a variety of common issues


Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Artificial dyes, fragrances, preservatives and other added chemicals can cause severe reactions in some people, both on the skin and also in the lungs. If you suffer from MCS you may want to look into an air exchanger to get these things in your home- out.

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity;

aptly named. It can be called Idiopathic Enviromental Interolerence or IEI as well. Although the symptoms are quite real to those affected, the World Health Organization and other medical organizations do not recognize MCS/IEI as an “organic, chemical-caused illness.” This is due to blind tests show MCS/IEI affected as reacting as frequently and greatly to actual triggers as they do placebos.


Those affected by MCS/IEI can experience chronic symptoms caused by everyday chemicals. These symptoms can be dizziness, headaches, sensation of burning skin, feeling extra tired or nauseous and be brought on suddenly, or get worse over time. Triggers for MCS/IEI can be as simple as synthetic fibers, perfumes or smoke. Plastics, preservatives, paint or commonly scented products like candles. The symptoms can vary from mild discomfort to extremely disabling.


If you suffer from MCS you may want to look into an air exchanger to get these things in your home- out. If you experience similar symptoms and have already taken measures to remove many common triggers from your home without success; there may be something else. Formaldehyde is used in furniture and carpeting and wood. Some of our customers have reported intolerances or allergies to formaldehyde to a point where some can no longer live in their home and that’s not right. With enough volume of air being moved, even the hyper-sensitive should be able to cope. Our goal is provide solutions and more ventilation makes healthier environments. We recommend running any ventilation system on the highest setting, all the time. In addition to diluting airborne toxins, you also deal with any latent moisture issues at a more effective rate when it’s dryer outside than in. For more information on how an air-to-air heat exchanger deals with moisture, visit this page on our website.


Figuring out your triggers is a major challenge and an important first step. Some choose to work with an allergist while others, like myself, keep a journal everytime there is a reaction. These notes are most effective when tracking repeat exposure, the severity of these exposures, and how successful you are when trying to actively avoid them.



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